Thursday, July 19, 2007

Gracie Speaks

Dear Friends, family and world-wide fans and admirers:

Julie Ann (Momma to me) wrote a very touching blog entry where she spoke of dogs and printed a story about the life of a dog. Because I am so pretty (well, I am down right beautiful), she inserted pictures of me and of my sister, Lucy Lou. Momma included pictures of Lucy Lou in fairness because as we all know one must not show favorites between siblings even though I know Momma loves me best.

My dear Phil responded with some very unfair comments about me.

I am a very misunderstood dog. Sigh. This comes with being beautiful, a diva and the most kind and loving of all dogs. While the good Lord knows I do my best to remain humble at all times, it is difficult being in my position of rapture. Believe me, sitting pretty on a pedestal all day isn't easy!
But, one does as one must. I take my job of diva of all dogs very seriously!

Let me address a few of Phil's issues:

First, let me say that I have a full time job. My job has several important functions. First, and most important, I must keep up my appearances of queen of the diva dogs. This is very easy for me to do as just taking one look at me everyone knows that I am THE DOG. And even though being petted and adored all day long is the first point on my job description, it can be tiring. Belly rubs are very soothing and tend to put me into a snooze. But, it is a price I must pay.

Second, I must protect Momma 24/7. As you might be aware, I have a very prestigious pedigree. Being half Lhasa Apsa and half poodle is the very best of the dog world. Lhasa's were originally bred to be imperial guard dogs in China. It is in my genes to take care of those I love and since the two people I love the most are myself and Momma, this is a very serious issue. Also, as we all know , poodles are the smartest of all dogs. This trait is very apparent in me and goes without saying. However, I will admit to being a genius, but only this once. So, there!

I do not nap all day. However, I need my beauty rest! Plus, it take a lot of energy to protect Momma and Lucy Lou from all of the squirrels in the world. Lucy Lou, being much, much older, sleeps far more than I do. Plus, the poor old girl snores. While I know it is not kind to speak ill of others, Lucy Lou is rather hard of hearing (can't hear a damn thing to be exact). During the day while she snores away, it is I who bark at passing cars, loud noises from the street and other sounds that might bring evil to Momma's house. This is part of my job. Pretending to be sleeping all the time is just a ploy to keep people and squirrels out of Momma's house while she is not there.

I might also point out that treats are a part of life. Momma likes her chocolate (which dogs can't have), I love my treats. Phil happens to bring the best treats in town. He brings Momma her chocolate, he brings me my treats. Being the thoughtful dog that I am, I share them equally with Lucy Lou.

I'm tired now. All this thinking has made me sleepy. I hope I brought enlightenment and joy to my admirers. Maybe the world would be a better place if humans lived like dogs. I know I have a great life!

Gracie, the diva dog

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