Tuesday, January 13, 2009

“Old enough to know better, young enough to do it anyway!”
Happily in my late 50s I retired as an Office Coordinator for the City of Milwaukee in 2010. I also moved from Milwaukee, WI to Canton, GA where I purchased a beautiful home. Since I knew nothing about Canton, GA other than my immediate area (a three mile radius, thus far) I am having fun exploring the area with my faithful GPS. I am getting very good at making U turns!

I live my two dogs, Sam and Oliver, both rescue dogs.    Sam is a Cairn Terrier mix very smart and entertaining.  Oliver is a Shih Tzu mix,  smaller than Sam and very adorable, although not the brightest star in the sky!  They make me laugh every day and I adore them.

I work part time at the local library - a wonderful job I enjoy very much.

I enjoy quilting and gardening, am an avid reader and love, love, love to travel. Sam, Oliver and I walk the hills in my subdivision and hike in the Blue Ridge. I have an adventurous spirit, which I am starting to bring out of hibernation! I'm having fun pursuing new adventures and dreams.

Sam, me and Oliver - life is good!

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