Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I'm Learning Greek

Maple Star block on the right
Federal Square block on the top

This month's feature fabric is the red, best seen in the Maple Star block and small, outer squares of the Federal Square block.

Blocks 5 and 6 of the BOMs I making as part of the Ladies Friendship group at Ye Olde Schoolhouse. I just love the fabric I used as the main squares of the Federal Square block even though it wasn't the feature fabric of the month.
Jeannie promised that these 2 blocks would be easier than the last 4 blocks from hell - and she was right - or else I am slowly learning to read ancient Greek quilt patterns! I finished one an evening. I still can't figure out where she is getting the patterns from, but that's OK.

I laid out the 6 blocks I have completed thus far. Ha! Mine should be a very interesting quilt! No rhyme or reason to it. Maybe when I get the next 18 blocks completed it will all come together. In the mean time, this month it was fun to do. Let's hope November's blocks are as easy as these two!

1 comment:

  1. She may have had to change the assembly instructions to avoid copyrite infringement. Why can't I spell copyrite correctly today? Nothing looks right. Sigh. Anyway, I'm running into that while designing barn blocks. It's frustrating, that's for sure!! Your blocks are looking fabulous!!


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