Tuesday, January 05, 2010


It is cold up here in Wisconsin. This morning it was 5 above.

My dear sister, Suzanne, is vacationing in St. Augustine, Florida and complained that it was only 48 degrees. Well, yes - that is cold for Florida BUT IT IS STILL 43 DEGREES WARMER THAN WISCONSIN!!!

My blog pal, Christine, www.frontporchindiana.blogspot.com joked that Indiana must have forgot to pay the heating bill is was so cold. Well, the budget crunch reached Wisconsin, too!

My poor doggie girls are not getting their walks. Too cold and too much salt on the sidewalks. People in my 'hood really go crazy with that salt and I can't bear to walk my girls on it and have them limping the whole time because it gets in their pads.

I know I'm whining. On the bright side, this will be my last Wisconsin winter. Ahhh - now that is a pleasant thought!

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