Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Nocturnal Wanderings

I'm not sleeping well. Getting ready for my move to Georgia, thinking about finances, wondering when the movers are coming, wondering when they will deliver my stuff in Georgia, moving into my sub-leased apartment - it is keeping me awake.

Most nights between 2:30am and 3:00am my eyes open and I'm awake. Lately, after about 20 minutes I just get up and go down and try to read or make lists or get on the computer for a while. My doggie girls, Gracie and Lucy Lou stay in the bedroom sound asleep. They are so use to these wanderings they don't even look up anymore. Smart dogs. Sometime around 4:30ish I return to bed and fall into a deep sleep only to be awakened by the alarm clock less than an hour later. I feel like a zombie.

I'm emotionally strung out, stressed out and ready to have a major meltdown at any time or place.

People keep asking if I am excited about the move. No. I am not. I want it to be over and done with. My house is so full of boxes I can hardly move around. I can't clean because of the boxes so there are dust bunnies every where (Lucy Lou is shedding like a crazy dog). Thank goodness for Amy and David, good friends who have helped me stay focused and came to help pack. I now think I have a pretty good grip on the packing. My nephew, Patrick, is doing some touch up painting on the porch that the buyer's needed to have completed for their loan to go through. Thank goodness for Patrick (and my great-nephew, Aaron). I also had my chimney replaced per the inspection report.

I am moving most of my temporary things into the apartment May 2. The movers are coming May 6 or 7 with closing on the Milwaukee house on May 7. I will pre-sign all of the paperwork and I have until 6pm to be out of the house. I fly to Georgia May 8. Closing on the Canton, GA house is Monday, May 10. Movers will be there sometime between May 11-13. I fly home on May 17.

I've been busy calling utilities, insurance agents, cable companies. I'm making lists that are a mile long.
Please please, please let this be over. Please, please, please let me sleep.

You know when I will be excited? I am driving down May 27 - June 5. This trip I am looking forward to. While I will be unpacking boxes and organizing the new house, I can relax and do it at my own pace. I can sit by the community swimming pool. I can go to the mountains. I can explore my neighborhood and introduce myself to my neighbors. Life will be good.

In the meantime, I'm a zombie!


  1. Oh, JA! I know this 2:30-3:30a.m. time very well. For the last several months it's been my wakeful time as well - thinking about all sorts of plans and wondering what will come next. It's not easy. I wish you peace, and a pleasant moving-in time...

  2. Well, I hope you're starting to sleep a little better by now?

  3. Yes, I am sleeping better. Funny, though - the last night in my home I slept like a baby! The alarm woke me up. I couldn't believe it considering I was all in a tither about the movers coming in the morning. All went well - probably 'cause I finally got some rest!


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