I've been living in Canton, GA now for six weeks. Interesting six weeks and it hasn't all been great (see previous posts). But, overall I am loving my location and the people and I know I made the right decision. However, things really are different here than in Milwaukee.
I purchased a cute little white iron bench for my back yard. It is perfect for sitting on when I throw the ball 5 millions times for Sam. It needed a little touch up, so I was in the garage with a can of spray paint when I noticed a large, black spider on the wall of the garage. It was black. With an orange dot on its back. It was protecting a large white sack (egg sack). I ran in the house and googled Black Widow Spider. Yup. That is what I had in the garage. Armed with my can of cream colored spray paint I killed the spider by permanently painting it and its sack to the wall of my garage! What's a girl to do? The next day I did go out and poked open the sack. I also gave it another dose of paint. Black Widow spiders do not exist in Wisconsin. At least not the type with eight legs.
Black Widow spider (picture taken from the web)
After taking a little break to calm my nerves I let Sam out in the back yard. Going to let him in, I noticed he was playing with what looked like a large piece of cellophane. Taking another look, I saw that he was eating it! I ran outside and did another "girly" scream. There was a HUGE EMPTY SNAKE SKIN on the grass. I got Sam inside - minus the piece in his mouth, grabbed a shovel and threw the skin over the fence. Thankfully, it was a recently shed skin and not the snake itself. Seeing a 4-5 foot snake, skin and all, slithering over my grass right after the adventure with the spider might, just might have sent me back to Wisconsin.
Shed snake skin (picture taken from the web)
I am still amazed at the politeness of the people in Georgia. So far, everyone has been exceptionally friendly and helpful. "Yes, ma'am" and "God bless you" seem to be mantras - and I mean that nicely. Although when talking to one gentleman about adopting shelter dogs he "God blessed me" at least 15 times! That did seem like over kill to me. On the other hand, I could use all of the blessings I can get! Seriously, I have not had one experience of rudeness and people seem happy to take that extra moment to give directions, smile, wish me a good day, direct me to the right area and so forth. People seem nicer down here, although I think this may be my own take on things are there are nice people every where.
Meet Uga, the Georgia State football "dawg"
Football season is in full swing. While I am not a football person, the "dawgs" are popular to the point of mania. Really! They are CRAZY about football - high school, college and professional, although high school and college levels seems to have the edge. It is goofy! I have asked a Wisconsin friend to find both Wisconsin State and Green Bay Packer bandanna's for Sam to wear on our walks on Saturday and Sundays. No offense to my fellow Georgians, but you can take a girl out of Wisconsin, but you can't take Wisconsin out of the girl!
And yes - I am a Georgian. I have my new driver's license to prove it. Next pay check will add my license plates! However, I promise not to turn into one of those drivers on 85 who are using their cell phone and lap top while driving 90 mph!
I am now learning about planting flowers and shrubs. Sue gave me the BEST gardening book for this region, "Easy Gardens for the South" by Harvey Cotten, Pamela Crawford and Barbara Pleasant. Since fall seems to be the time to plant most perennial flowers and shrubs, I am constantly pouring through this wonderful book. I can't wait to plant my pansies in October and my bulbs in November and December! So, very different from what I am use to!
So, to sum it up - so far, so good. I'll keep you updated of my adventures in retirement and southern living - both the good and the bad. I'm hoping the bad it over and only good will happen for a long time!
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