Friday, November 19, 2010

Miss Becky

Sam was having a minor eye issue, so I took him to the vet yesterday.  He's just fine.  But, while waiting I heard the receptionist's talking to another client about Becky.
Becky reminds me of the dog I grew up with, a Springer named Sugar
Becky's owner is elderly and has cancer.  Just over a year ago both her and her then dog were both going through chemo.  Her dog didn't make it, but she went into remission.  So, apparently she went to the local shelter (same shelter I got my Sam) and adopted Becky. 

Becky needs to go on a diet,  but chasing around with Sam will help!

Things were going well for this lady and Becky until early this fall when the lady's cancer returned.  She started chemo again, but things do not look good for her.  She called our vet and expressed her concern for Becky.  My vet took her home, thinking he would keep Becky.  However, although Becky got along with everyone, she did not appreciate the cats and the cats did not appreciate Becky.  So, Becky has been living at the vet clinic the last 3-4 weeks while they tried to find a home for her.

I thought, "Poor Becky - being passed around through no fault of her own or her new owner."   I asked about Becky.  She is somewhere between 4 and 6 years old and a "hound" mix.  Loving and gentle they told me she was a very sweet girl.  They brought her out and she and Sam immediately hit it off.  And, being the sucker I am I agreed to "foster" Becky until we could find a new home for her. 
Sam and Miss Becky hit it off right away.

And, Miss Becky is a sweet girl.  The only two problems are that she is a complete pig when it comes to eating!  She would eat 24/7 and is a little pudgy.  And, she is terrible on a leash - always pulling.  So, Miss Becky and I started a diet today and tomorrow she will get some leash training.
New best friends

The bet is will I really ever give her up?  Hmmmmm . . . . .


  1. Oh, jaja - looks like you've lost your heart to another puppy! I remember how you & your sisters talked about Sugar. I'm betting you'll keep Becky. She is a cutie.

  2. You'll keep her. I remember how you & your sisters talked about Sugar. She's a cutie!

  3. She is adorable and my bet is she's there to stay. Just love and enjoy her. Oh, she has a great smile.

  4. Becky (the person, not the dog)December 2, 2010 at 6:57 PM

    Congrats on the new member of your family -- you are so keeping her. Love her name -- that is what the kid's friends call me! Have fun!


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