Sunday, February 20, 2011

Travel and Visitors

Looks like 2011 will be the year for a little travel and visitors!  After a rough 2010, I am looking forward to a little fun!

Martha is coming down the end of March.  Sally and Amy will be down the beginning of June.  I am planning a lot of outdoor time with Martha and trips to the mountains - only an hour or so away.  Sally and Amy indicated that time in the pool sounds wonderful, but I am sure we will fit a few excursions into their


I just booked a week in Mesa, AZ in April.  I will stay at a timeshare, but visit with my gal pal, Nancy and my sister, Linda.  Both have cats and since I am severely allergic to kitties, staying with them is out of the question.  Last time I was in Mesa in November 2009, Nancy and I had a blast together and I am looking forward to having a lot of laughs, singing at the top of our lungs as we drive down the highway and great lunches at area restaurants.  I also am looking forward swimming in Linda's pool and a jeep tour of the desert.  The timeshare resort I am staying at has tons of amenities so I plan to take advantage of the spa on the premises.  And, most exciting is that Nancy is in the process of purchasing a home.  I am excited to see it.

Church lady gal pal, Mikki, will be attending a conference in the Atlanta area this year.  The plan is for her to tack a a night or two on to her trip and stay with me.  I am also hoping David and Nicole make it down.  Terri, too.  And, a few more of the church ladies.  What about Judy?  Shelley and Bob? 

I think a trip in the fall will be on my agenda, too.  Shelley and I are talking about Williamsburg, VA.  I know we would both really enjoy Williamsburg as we love history and antiques.  It is probably one of the best places the two of us could go to!

It is nice to be settled, to finally start to know my way around my new community and to feel like I am alive again.  It is nice to know I have a comfortable place for any one who wants to come and visit for a while.  Friends are always welcome.

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