Monday, June 27, 2011


Yup.  After not working for 11 months, I now have a fantastic part time job!

I knew when I retired that I would need to work part time for a few  years.  First, to build up my liquid cash reserves and have money to travel and secondly to get me out of the house and around people.  However, I didn't think it would be so long.

It's not like I haven't enjoyed my retirement.  I have.  And, it would be great not to need this job.  But, I do need it on so many different levels besides what I mentioned above.

It took longer to get a job because I needed the time to heal from the turmoil of 2010.  Emotionally, I wasn't ready to work, although the last couple of months my bank account was starting to look scary. 

I had applied back in February with Kelly Temp Services.  Although I did extremely well on both the interview and skill tests, the only two jobs offered me were long term and a long way from my house - equivalent to at least an hour drive to and from work.  No thank you.  This spring I started applying to local collages.  Nada.  But, I had a list of websites I checked weekly and bi-weekly and planned to keep trying.  I was getting a little concerned, though.  I needed a part time job.

I had applied on and off to be a Library Assistant with the Sequoyah Regional Library System, which serves three counties here in Georgia - Cherokee, Pickins and Gilmore.  Never got called for an interview.  Then, in February they experienced huge budget cuts and lay offs.  Oh, well . . .

I still checked out the library website for job openings.  And, in late May they had openings for both a Research Assistant and a Library Assistant at a library in my area.  I applied for both.  I was called to interview for the Research Assistant on Monday, interviewed on Tuesday and was offered the job on Friday!  Yippee!

It is the perfect job for me.  I work 16-17 hours a week, the pay is more than minimum wage, I work only every 4th Saturday, I never work later than 6pm and I GET TO WORK IN A LIBRARY!  I'm learning so much, too.  The people I work with are great and I am working with the public, which is fun.  Yes, parts of my job are rather tedious, but overall it is a perfect fit.  If I wasn't in a library I would be whistling while I work! 

I got my first paycheck.  hehehehehe  It was only for 27 hours, but I was as thrilled as if I made my first million!  LOL  Another thing I find so rewarding is seeing so many books come across my path that I have read.  And, I am starting a list of books/authors I want to read.  Plus, learning the ins and outs of helping people do research is very interesting. 

I am so fortunate!  I'm happy and so is my bank account.  Now, I better start researching English gardens, or maybe Tuscany or possibly Paris.  Where's my passport?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great! And, there's nothing better than that first paycheck after not getting one for awhile!


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