Friday, September 02, 2011


Kate visited me in early June.  It was way too short of a visit. 

Kate was at a craft fair in Tennessee selling her new product.  After it was over, she drove an additional
3 1/2 hours down to spend time with me.  Now, that's a friend!  She was smart and left here mid morning and made the trip back to the Milwaukee area in two days.

Kate designs Practically Ribbons  Check out her website.  These pretty ribbons (wired ribbons) have grommets in them and can be used with clips and/or hooks, such as the hooks used to  place ornaments on the Christmas tree.  The ribbons, which come in a variety of colors and themes, can be used for ornaments, cards, scarfs, etc., - the uses are endless.  They can hang from almost anythings (such as a curtain rod) by using a shower curtain hook.

Below is a picture of one of the ribbons Kate gave me as a gift.  I have five total, all holiday ribbon,  and plan to use them to display my Christmas cards.  I think they will work perfect in my dining room window and make that area look festive during the holiday season.

I used one of the ribbons to display some
of my birthday cards in my front window
I think these ribbons have lots of uses, especially in places like assisted living facilities and health care centers.  They could make hospital rooms cheerful by easily displaying pictures, cards - you name it, while not taking up much space.

I loved having Kate here.  We had some great talks.  She has always been there for me, always supportive.  I miss you, Kate.  Wish we were closer logistically but, I am not moving back!.

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