Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Art of Giving - Financially

I'm not one to volunteer much, although I would like to.  I guess I have good intentions, but following through on them is another matter.  I don't belong to a church anymore although if I had to put myself in a religious peg hole it would be Unitarian Universalist.  So, I don't volunteer with my church affiliation or with any other group.

I feel bad about this - not volunteering more.  There are wonderful organizations out there that need people to help out.  I'm semi-retired and have the time.  I do make quilts for the  Quilts for Kids program and I volunteer on a couple committee for my subdivision, but that is about it.

I have donated to Goodwill more times than I can count, as well as local shelters (both for humans and animals).  But, that is "stuff" not  cash. 

I have never really given money to organizations, either.  I use to joke that I was so broke I needed additional donations to survive!  I have always been one to pitch in at the work environment when parents were selling pizzas, girl scout cookies, etc., for whatever their child's club was, though.  I was happy to do this.  When I adopted my first dog, Gracie, I joked that Gracie was my child and she was going to sell pizzas for her club  - the Send My Momma to Europe club!  Of course, that never happened!

Recently, I have regrouped with my finances and took a 13-week seminar on money management.  It has changed my life.  More on that in another blog.  But, it is working - slowly, but it's working.  And, for the first time in my life I am budgeting for charitable giving.   And, you know what?  It feels GREAT.

At this point in my new financial journey I can't give the 10% of my income recommended by the course I took, but the tiny amount I can give makes me feel pretty darn good.  Right now there are two organizations I donate to and every month I feel wonderful when I see money being directly taken out of my account for one organization or I go on the other organization's website to make a decision.

I have also changed my beneficiaries on several retirement accounts I have.  Now, organizations I feel strongly about will get a chunk of change when I pass.  Sorry family members, but I thought long and hard about it.

If you want to explore not-for-profit organizations/charities before donating, I recommend the following website.  It really gives a good, solid report on thousands of organizations:

Also, I have budgeted small amounts to be given to a couple of causes that my friends are actively involved in.   For years I have admired their dedication through various runs and bike rides.  So, this year when they ask for money for these causes I will happily send a check.  It may be small, but it will help a little.

For 2012 my budget is set and my charities are picked.  It is a fabulous feeling. 

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