Tuesday, March 22, 2016


"She came in through the bathroom window."

I am standing in line at Home Depot and Joe Cocker comes blaring through the loud speakers.  A big smile spreads across my face and I chuckle.

"Protected by a silver spoon."

I start swaying a little to the music of this Beatles song.  I look around.  Yup.  Three or four people around me, about my age.  "Gotta love a little Joe Cocker once in a while," I said.  Their faces light up and we all laugh.  "I was in high school and rocked out to this song," I continue. A bald man a little older than me said, "I did more than rock out to it!"  Again, we all laugh.

"Well I know what I could not say."

The girl at the check out line said, "I think I've heard my grandma singing this song."  The rest of us stare at her blankly.

"Didn't any body tell her?"

"Ever hear of Joe Cocker," I ask her.  "No, I don't think so," is her reply.  The bald man behind me says, "What about the Beatles?"  "A little," the girl replies, "who hasn't?"  There was a soft groan from those of us waiting.  We smiled and shook our heads.

"She could steal but she could not rob."

Sometimes getting older sucks.  Sometimes it can be fun.  Most of the time I am just where I am suppose to be and it is all good and fun.  This was one of these times.

"Sunday's on the phone with Monday.  Tuesday's on the phone with me."  

Wait?  Is it Monday?  Tuesday?   Where is the bathroom after all?

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain. I recently had to explain to a young co-worker who Sting and Peter Gabriel were. I weep for their generation.


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