drooping. But, enough already!
I hate getting up on dreary days. Can't wear sandals as my feet get wet and cold. The a/c is on at work and it is FREEZING. Can't walk the dogs as it is RAINING and they HATE being out in the rain so they are restless. When the dogs do go out to go potty, they come in wet and track it in my kitchen. My house smells like wet dog. My basement gets wet. Driving is bad in the rain. Everyone has bad hair days when it rains. Everyone gets crabby when it rains. It's Monday and it's raining. I can't get out to check out my yard, flowers, tomatoes, etc. I can't find my umbrella or I leave it someplace when I need it. There are people losing their homes and businesses to the rain and flooding. Worms are on the sidewalk when it rains and they are gross. My grass will be 2 feet high by the time the rain finally stops and it will be difficut to mow.
No sun equals depressed Julie Ann.
It is suppose to rain all week.
Bitch, bitch, bitch.
Preach it, sister. I can't get out and walk, or into the garden. Nothing dries out. AND my mother is having basement seepage problems - so she goes down into the basement to mop up the water. Alone. On her unsteady legs. Usually having left her cell phone upstairs. Argh!
This weather is disgusting and depressing. I do enjoy a nice summer rainy day, but not a week of it! I hope your Mom stays steady on her legs. I know it is always a worry.
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