Hawks have always been a symbol of "good travel" for me. This idea goes way back to when I was married to Bill. We took a lot of driving vacations. For a reason I can't remember, if we saw hawks along the highway we knew we would have a safe trip. It became a game for us to point out hawks perched along fence posts, highway signs or soaring in the air while we drove along. This has continued on for me.
One morning while I was in Mesa, AZ last month I got up very early, long before Nancy. After making coffee I looked out the window and there was this beautiful hawk sitting on the wall with its breakfast (another bird, already dead). I couldn't believe how close it was. Grabbing my camera I went outside and snapped pictures. While it never took its eyes off of me, the hawk remained there. I watched that hawk for a couple of hours and was happy it was still there when Nancy gout up. We both went out and took pictures. I tried getting too close and the hawk got fed up, grabbed the rest of what remained of its breakfast and flew off. What a sight!
Native Americans, as well as other groups world-wide, believe each person has an animal totem - an animal whose presence stays with you throughout your life, serving as a guide. I do believe this. I also believe that sometimes animals (or insects) come around us for short periods, trying to guide us into the directions our lives needs to take. This happened to me a couple of years ago with the monkey. I was in Atlanta and eveywhere my sister and I went I saw monkeys. Not real monkeys, but in artwork or figurines. Seriously, they were everywhere. I'm not overly fond of monkeys and it was starting to freak me out a little. I called my gal pal, Sally, who knows more about this then I do, and she did a little research. During this time of my life I was stressed out and unhappy. I was pretty tense. The monkey was telling me to relax, have fun and play. I know some people will think this is silly, but I believe if we were all more aware of the role animals play in our life, more aware of our surroundings and what is happening all around us, they would find this to be true.
Some people know their animal totems, most without realizing or even understanding what a totum is or its role in their lives. Pam's mother loves cardinals and has been collecting pictures, artwork and figures of them for years. Pam loves wolves. Phil has a collection of small elephant figurines, people gift Sally will turtle garden statues, etc. The dragonfly is symbolic to my relationship with Phil and now to me on a more personal level. While I am not sure what animal or insect is my personal totem, I have a feeling it is a winged creature. I do love birds. Maybe it is the hawk. A good website to learn about animal totems is here.
A few hours before I left for Mesa, AZ I was talking to Nancy on the phone. I was looking out my front window at the birds and squirrels around my feeders. All at once the neighborhood hawk flew dowe, trying to get lunch! The litle animals scattered into the rose hedge along my property line. The hawk followed. I pounded on the window. I didn't want to see the hawk kill or fly off with a meal! An omen of a good trip? The hawk flew way empty handed. I had a fabulous vacation!
Beautiful photos of the hawk!
ooh, the photos look so neat enlarged!
Great photos! I would have been mesmerized as well! Doesn't nature just amaze us?
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